Monday, April 9, 2007

Blogger Meet Up: Houston?

Any bloggers living in Houston? I'll be in Houston later this week for the IWCA conference, and I'll be speaking on Dissertation Writing Groups. Dissertation Boot Camp will probably be a small part of the conversation. Anyway, anyone ready for a blogger meet up? Send an email, or leave a note in comments below.

Cross posted at PnP.

For you guys: would you mind if I talked about you and your process of dissertating with this group? Of course, I would not name you, but I would talk about you in a general sense, about the community that's being formed here, how the work of the dissertation is isolating, but this forum helps us stay connected?


Meagan said...

Unfortunately, I'm not anywhere near Houston. I'm fine w/you incorporating this group into your talk-- I'm also interested to hear what kinds of things come out of your discussion.

Have fun at the conference.

Abby said...

I'm nowhere near Houston either, but am completely fine with you talking about me -- it's basically all I ever talk about so why shouldn't you? : )

Good luck at the conference!

chris said...

b - yeah, no problem; feel free to talk about me.

oh, and good luck in H-town!

elle said...

Me! Me! Me!