Thursday, February 15, 2007

Checking In

Hi, all-- As some of you know by reading my other blog, I've not been working on dissertation-related anything the past 10 days or so, and even though this lack of work is appropriate right now, I'm feeling like such a massively huge slacker / whiner. I don't have the energy to do this work right now and with that I feel like such a failure. I think that I should have the ability to compartmentalize the areas of my life, and I'm really able to do that. I should be able to put the stressful issues aside for a while and focus on underprepared student writers, or focus on my teaching, or whatever. But I can't. At least not right now.

I also feel that I'll ultimately end up homeless and living under a bridge. But that's just me.

I'm encouraged, though, by reading your posts. I'll be back-- working on this diss-- as soon as I can.


Abby said...

Oh Billie, I'm so sorry to hear about your mother. I think, though, that, even given what seems to be a contentious relationship, your priorities are right where they should be. I don't know what happens next, but I know this: family, no matter how complicated, comes before work. Not always, not every single day, but certainly in times of crisis. The dissertation will get done, and you're right where you need to be.

chris said...

yeah. what abby said.

you'll get it done. life usually seems to work itself out. first it'll throw itself at you; then it'll get up off of you and go chill while you regroup. and regroup you will...

Sharonica said...

Hey, all...I feel like my barging in here is a bit inappropriate under the circumstances, but I've been looking around for fellow dissertating bloggers and am happy to have stumbled across some! Don't be surprised if you find me poking around here a bit more.

Billie said...

Hi, Sharonica, and welcome to dissertation boot camp. I checked your blog and I was unable to find a contact email so I could send you an invitation to join our group. However, if you'll contact me ( partsnpieces [at] gmail [dot] com ) I'll send you an invite right away.