Wednesday, June 27, 2007

De lurking

Tomorrow I'm driving from Toronto across the border to my campus, and the next day I'm having the oral defense of my field examination.

The exams were scheduled a few weeks later than I wanted. My wheels spinning, I jumped into proposal writing and unblocked a huge clog in my brain. Even my husband started thinking more clearly! I'm excited about the work I'm about to start and glad to have a place to share it.

I'm eager to continue the momentum I've gathered when my exams are finally over, so I've joined a writing club, started a blog and joined DBC. All the work I do is long-distance, in absentia, gypsy style like the example set by my mentors and most of my peers. I enjoy a pretty great community of virtual support, but I seek face time mostly at the shoe museum in Toronto where I volunteer in my free time. I had the idea that it would be advantageous to stay in the practice of talking to people.

Thank for inviting me to join the blog. I'm doing a project about 18th c British literary inscription and graffiti (glass writing, epitaphs, stuff). I'm in the English Dept. and tend to ogle the Visual and Cultural Studies Dept. down the hall.

I really hope to get some feedback from someone in the know about ways to approach the topic of women writing and images of women writing. I need a good feminist methodology for one of my first chapters/conference papers. I'd be happy to exchange drafts in a few weeks with anyone whose writing might tip me off to the ins and outs of research about women writing.

So, that's me. Happy to meet all over you. Have a great summer and keep close to your fans.


Meagan said...

Hi Fish-Stick! Nice to meet you. I can't say that I'll have much to offer you in the way of info on research on women writing, but I'm very good at general moral support. :)

Good luck on your exams!

Abby said...

Welcome and good luck on exams!

Billie said...

Hi, Fishstick (FS?) . . . it's good to have you here. I echo the good wishes for your exams. They are tough to get through, but you can do it!!!!!